- We have countless translations to our credit: business letters, user
manuals, brochures or manuals for software, literary works, etc.
- On the Internet, there are of course several free translation tools
that allow you to obtain an acceptable translation very quickly, BUT on
closer inspection, you will find that it contains inconsistencies,
truncated parts or misinterpretations that distort the spirit of the
original text.
- You can send us your DE-FR or EN-FR translations and ask us to
check and correct the French translation. Then we will check
and correct the spelling, punctuation, syntax and typography of your text
as needed. Sentences requiring rephrasing will be rewritten.
- Send us your document in German or English for translation into
French, or send us your document in French for translation into German;
you will receive in return a faithful and grammatically correct translation.
- For verification of your French translation, please also send us the
English or German text.
- Simply send us your file as an attachment to the address below,
indicating in your message the type of translation you require (AL-FR or
AN-FR or FR-AL or AN-AL) or whether you require a translation check, after
which we will inform you of the amount due and the likely deadline for the
translation of your text.
For a thorough work, it usually takes
1 hour for 3 to 4 pages of 500
words each.
- Hourly rate* for translations: CHF 65.00
Hourly rate* for checking
and correcting translations: CHF 65.00 Hourly rate* for checking and
correcting web pages or a website: CHF 60.00
* Text pages are very different: with or
without images, with or without bold headings, with many or few blank lines,
etc. How much space do these non-written elements take up? 10%, 20%
or more? Thus, an A4 page (without non-written elements) can contain a
maximum of 700 words or (with non-written elements) a minimum of a few
words. It is therefore not possible to charge this with a flat
rate per page.